7 elegant dark red

Something simple, I wanted to be elegant but not pass unnoticed.

Ceva simplu, am vrut sa fie elegante dar sa nu treaca neobservate.

5 Red Jewelry

Combination of red and blue always fascinated me! A combination of colors, sequins and stones with a little nail art :) A fancy manicure, suitable for a party. Easy to do, but with a sophisticated look, I think. I hope you enjoy.

Combinatia dintre rosu si albastru m-a fascinat intotdeauna! O combinatie de culori, paiete si pietre cu un pik de nail art :) O manichiura pretentioasa, potrivita pentru o petrecere. Usor de
realizat, dar cu un aspect sofisticat, cred eu. Sper sa va placa.

What I used:

5 My prize from Koryna

This morning I received my prize from Koryna ! I am so delighted with everything I received, and I was very surprised at all really look like. I can not wait to try all these wonderful! Many of thoseI received have never tried. I'm extremely excited by my prize! Thank you Kory :)) !!!

Astazi dimineata mi-am primit premiul de la Korina ! Sunt foarte incintata de tot ce am primit, si am fost foarte surprinsa sa vad cit de bine arata toate in realitate. Abia astept sa incerc toate aceste minunatii! Multe din cele primite nu le-am incercat niciodata. Sunt extrem de incintata de premiul meu! Multumesc Kory :)) !!!

Glitter in all colors, now I will not have the excuse that I did not color. :)

Sclipici de toate culorile, acum nu voi mai avea scuza ca nu am o culoare. :)

I had not this brand of nail polish, so I can not wait to try it, the turquoise is gorgeous !

Nu am avut niciodata aceasta marca de oja, asa ca abia astept sa le incerc, turquazul este superb!

and the surprise .. :))

si surpriza.. :))

10 by my heart

Am cistigat!!! la concursul organizat de Kory nails locul 1 Sunt fff fericita :))

I won the first place!!! at the contest organized by Kory nails. I am so so so happy :))

3 nothing fancy

What I used:

8 Gliter theme- nail art contest by kory

Am revenit.. m-am inscris de curind la un concurs cu tema Gliter propusa de Kory , mai jos sunt cele doua intrari ale mele cu care particip. Daca va place unul din modelele mele va rog sa ma votati aici

I 'm back.... I recently joined in a contest with the theme Gliter proposed by Kory , below are two of my entries participating. If you like one of my models, please vote for me here
Thank you!!

4 Andayn

5 Andayn

12 jewelry style

pe virfuri am folosit scoica pisata:
se da cu lac, se aplica scoica cu pensonul umezit in lac , se intinde astfel sa arate asa cum va doriti si unde va doriti, la final se da cu lac din abundenta peste..ca sa nu ramina colturi care sa agate

I used crushed shell on the nail tip:
apply top cout, then applied with the brush the crushed shell and spread so as to obtain the desired effect, at the end apply plenty of top cout , so as not remain corners to catch

P.S. am venit cu completare pt ca am fost intrebata..sper ca va e de ajutor :)

7 abstract

4 Show us your country

Particip la un concurs cu tema Show us your country aici cu modelul acesta, daca va placemodelul meu intrati si votati pt mine nr 7, sau puteti vota orice alt model va e pe plac :) Multumesc!

I participate in a contest with the theme Show us your country here with this model,if you like my model go and vote for me number 7,or you can vote for any other model you will it pleased :)

Thank you!